Imperfect Leadership: Steve Mundy’s book, Imperfect Leadership, is worth reading. I love his concept of a leader being imperfect. Having taught for 10 years, lead a school for 27 years and now running an education professional development business – I feel very soothed by the concept that there is hope for the imperfect leader.
So many of us fear making a mistake because it leads to judgment, a sense of failure which manifests in what I call, the silent and often, lingering experience of low self-worth.
Want to read more?
Check out our latest edition of the Smart Moves EduMag. This November edition is packed with particulars for the LEADER.

Articles List
Page 2 – The Imperfect Leader
Page 7 – Leadership and Standards
Page 9 – Employee Survey during Covid-19
Page 10 – Leading in a Time of Crisis
Page 13 – Scenarios for the Future of Schooling
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