EduHeroe - Sue Altenroxel

Meet Sue Altenroxel: A Trailblazing EduHero

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At Keller Education, we believe in the power of educators to transform lives and communities. Introduced in 2024, the EduHeroes initiative celebrates exceptional teachers who use the Keller methodology to make a difference, focusing on the mind, brain, education science, soft skills, and core competencies. Our first EduHero is Sue Altenroxel, who inspires with her passion for inclusive education and dedication to her students.

From her debut as Foundation Phase teacher in Modjadjiskloof, Limpopo, to her current role as Head of PEPPS Preparatory Polokwane, Sue has had a remarkable career. Her journey includes teaching Grade 2 at Mitchell House Preparatory School and co-founding Pathways-Polokwane, an NGO for pupils with disabilities, in 1998. She later integrated this NGO into Mitchell House as an Outreach and Inclusion Programme and led the Enrichment Centre for children with significant disabilities. In 2015, Sue became Deputy at Mitchell House School, overseeing both the Foundation Phase and the Enrichment Centre, before taking the helm at PEPPS in 2023.

Education has the capacity to change lives and schools have the power to create spaceswhere every child matters.

Sue Altenroxel

She believes that every child can learn, albeit in different ways and at different paces, and that it is a teacher’s duty to meet each child where they are. Sue is an advocate for multicultural and diverse school communities, which she views as the healthiest environment for fostering understanding and celebrating differences.

Using the Keller methodology, Sue has implemented several new practices in her school. These include daily check-ins in the morning and a weekly ‘Talk Listen Connect‘ period, where teachers utilise the Keller journals. Classrooms are adorned with Keller posters, and parents are kept informed through regular newsletters and parent evenings. Sue’s innovative application of the Keller principles has lead to the development of the ‘Green Card,’ a tool which helps to avoid emotional confrontations in the classroom by allowing children the space to express their feelings in writing and move from reactive to reflective thinking.

Sue’s journey exemplifies the spirit of the EduHeroes initiative: dedication, innovation and an unwavering commitment to making a difference. Her story is a testament to the power of great educators to transform lives, one classroom at a time. 

As we celebrate Sue, be reminded that every teacher has the power to be a hero in their students’ lives. Are you passionate about transforming schools and communities with the desire to make a difference? Become an EduHero today! Email us at to learn more.


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