On behalf of our entire team at Keller Education, we welcome you to a new era of teaching, learning and growing together. We welcome you to a year where we wish …
Bring The Conference To Your School
Keller Education have a new, exciting offering which many Partner Schools are showing interest in. Instead of spending ridiculous amounts of money on attending local or international conferences which add …
Are we Burning Out?
As Keller Education travels around the country talking to school leaders and educators, there is a tangible feeling of utter exhaustion and the question arises: “Are we burning out?” However, …
Take a break. Go Graze!
For many of our Partners, this is the time for the mid-year break. Just like recess for students at school, so school holidays are essential for teacher survival. This …
It’s Time to Rest
Teachers and School Leaders are exhausted. Physical and Mental Well-being is not an option, it’s an imperative. It’s time to rest. In this article we take a look at the …